Meet our Deacons & Associate Ministers
Have you met your Deacon yet? Do you know what he or she looks like? How about the ministers, do you know any of their names? Meet the Deacons and Associate Ministers, below.
Meet Our Deacons
As a member of St. Paul’s, you have two or more assigned Deacons. You can reach out to them in times of crisis, need, or for prayer. Members are also automatically assigned to a Cluster Ministry group which meets for times of fellowship and fun.
Find your Deacon(s) and your Cluster Group by selecting the First Letter of your Last Name in the menu ( ☰ ) below:
- All
- A
- B
- Barnabas
- C
- Chairman Of Deacon Board
- D
- E
- Ephesians
- Esther
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- Joshua
- K
- L
- Luke
- M
- N
- Naomi
- O
- P
- Philippians
- Q
- R
- Ruth
- S
- T
- Timothy
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
Franklin Archie
Barnabas -
David Collins
U, W, X, Y, Z
Timothy -
Jesse Craig
D, E, F, G
Luke -
Juliette Davis
U, W, X, Y, Z
Timothy -
Judy Harris
U, W, X, Y, Z
Timothy -
Vaughn Jennings
J, L, N
Naomi -
Helen Major
A, C, O
Esther -
Sterling Moore
K, M
Joshua -
Levi Murrell
D, E, F, G
Luke -
Christ Ray
D, E, F, G
Luke -
Glasper Ridgel
Chairman of Deacon Board
Q, R, T, V
Ruth -
Donnell Sheppard
H, I
Ephesians -
Marvin Stewart
Q, R, T, V
Ruth -
Michael Sudler
H, I
Ephesians -
Kevin Tucker
Barnabas -
Aaron Walters
Barnabas -
Gary Wattie
J, L, N
Naomi -
Reginald Weaver
P, S
Philippians -
Elbert Wells
K, M
Joshua -
Mark Woodford
P, S
Philippians -
Joseph Younge
A, C, O
Meet Our Associate Ministers
Min. Kay AndersonRev. John Burks
Rev. Eden Carlton
Rev. Lawrence Claiborne
Rev. Dr. Tracie Gatewood
Rev. Richelle Gunter
Bro. Hassan Henderson-Lott
Min. Louise Herndon
Min. Carol Jean Hicks
Min. Langston Huzzy
Rev. John Jackson, Jr.
Rev. Karen Johnson
Rev. James Mack
Rev. Bethany McCabe
Rev. Dr. Delores McCabe
Rev. Dr. Patricia Mitchell
Rev. Joseph L. Napier, Sr.
Evan. Zelda Rhodes
Rev. E. Joyce Robinson
Rev. Elaine Smith