For Our Leaders
Welcome Officers and Leaders! This section is intended for Officers, Department Chairs, and Ministry Leaders. Here you will find key resources to assist you in your role at St. Paul’s.
Membership Matters
Copy/ Printing
The Church Office Staff are able to provide copying and printing for your ministry needs. All requests should be sent to BEFORE noon on Wednesdays.
Vouchers for Payment or Reimbursement
Vouchers are to be completed by Ministry Leaders when a payment or reimbursement is required. All vouchers must be approved by the Ministry Leader’s Department Chair.
Click here to download the voucher
Conditions for Reimbursement/Payment
- Vouchers must be completed prior to spending funds. Reimbursement cannot be guaranteed with appropriate approvals
- Vouchers must be completed at least two weeks prior to the date payment is needed.
- Documentation of approved expenses (original receipts) must be submitted in order to be reimbursed. Vouchers submitted without appropriate documentation will not be paid.
- All requests for payment/reimbursement must be received within thirty days of the expense. Requests received beyond this time may not be honored.
- Budgeted expenses will receive payment priority.
- Vouchers are paid on a priority basis and on the availability of funds.
Completing the Voucher Form
- Vouchers must be prepared in ink or on a computer.
- A separate voucher must be completed for each check requested.
- All information must be filled in. Incomplete vouchers will not be processed.
- You must list the department (e.g., Dept. of Missions & Evangelism)
- You must list the ministry (e.g. Nursing Home Outreach)
- The Department Chair signature must be secured prior to submitting to the Board of Trustees.