For Our Members

Bulletin for the 3rd Sunday, February 16, 2025

Digital Bulletin Version


At St. Paul’s there is always an opportunity to engage, collaborate, fellowship, and help others both in the church and in the community.  Take a look at some of the opportunities where you can volunteer to help, join a ministry or group and participate. 

You can engage in the life of our church family and local community in the ways below:


Joining with others to express, as a community, our love, reverence and adoration of God is an important part of life at St. Paul’s. Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:45 am in our Sanctuary.

Listening to and talking to God is another aspect of worship.  Join us on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm for Prayer Meeting, or you can join the Prayer Band who pray at 12 noon on Wednesdays. 

To see more information about service times or our location, please click here. 

Learn & Grow         

There are a few regularly scheduled opportunities to learn and grow at St. Paul’s.  Church School is offered to adults and meets on Sundays at 9:30 am on the 3rd floor. Just look for the sign next to the door to know which room your class is in.

We also offer an in-depth look into the Bible in our Bible Study which is held on Wednesday night at 7:00 pm in our Fellowship Hall.


Taking time to get to know each other and just have some fun is another important aspect of life in our church family.  There are several fellowship groups for every member.  For more information about the groups available to you, please click here.


Serving our church family and local community is a privilege and a gift that each of us gets to share. Opportunities to use your talents, gifts, and skills to help others. If you are not sure where you might be a good fit, take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment.  Otherwise look for opportunities to serve here.


The opportunity to use a small portion of the resources God has given to us to help further the work of sharing the good news of Jesus and the love God has for us, is an act of worship. Click here to help St. Paul’s make a difference in the lives of church members as well as the community. 

Our Commitment

Another way we engage each other as a church family is based on our Church Covenant. This is how we commit to treating each other.

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.

We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge and holiness; to give it a place in our affections, prayers and services above every organization of human origin; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine; to contribute cheerfully and regularly, as God has prospered us, towards its expenses, for the support of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. In case of difference of opinion in the church, we will strive to avoid a contentious spirit, and if we cannot unanimously agree, we will cheerfully recognize the right of the majority to govern.

We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to study diligently the word of God; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintance; to walk circumspectly in the work; to be kind and just to those in our employ, and faithful in the service we promise others; endeavoring in the purity of heart and good will towards all men to exemplify and commend our holy faith.

We further engage to watch over, to pray for to exhort and stir up each other unto every good word and work; to guard each other’s reputation, not needlessly exposing the infirmities of others; to participate in each other’s joys, and with tender sympathy bear one another’s burdens and sorrows; to cultivate Christian courtesy; to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of the Savior in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, to secure it without delay; and through life, amid evil report, and good report, to seek to live to the glory of God, who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.

When we remove from this place, we engage as soon as possible to unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word.

For New Members

We are so thrilled that you have recently made a decision to be part of our church family!  We welcome you to the family and look forward to serving together to share God’s love and the good news of Jesus Christ with our family, friends and neighbors. 

Click here to see information about the New Members Class Schedule, Baptism instructions, and the New Members Reception.

Your Deacons

Every member is connected to a set of Deacons based on the first letter of your last name. Your Deacons are available for prayer and can assist you in times of crisis or need. 

See a list of your Deacons here. 

Member Resources

Church Office
Our Church Office is open Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  You can reach the Office by emailing or phone 610-692-2446 x140

If you are a new member and want to be baptized, the baptism process is explained as part of the New Member follow-up process and the Orientation class. Baptisms are held on first Sundays.

If you would like to be married at St. Paul’s, or have Pastor or one of the Associate Ministers officiate your wedding, please call the Church Office to set up pre-marital counseling sessions and schedule the ceremony. 

Baby Dedication
If you would like to have your baby dedicated to the Lord at St. Paul’s, please fill out this form. Baby dedications are held the 2nd Sundays of February, April, June, August, October & December.  Click here to register your child for baby dedication.

If you or a family member become severely ill or hospitalized, we want to know so that we can pray for you and understand how we may assist you.  Please be sure to contact one of your Deacons and talk to them about what is happening. See a list of your Deacons here. Or you can contact the Church Office by emailing , or calling 610-692-2446 x140. 

When a close family member dies we want to pray for you and your family. Please have someone reach out to your Deacon or contact the Church Office by emailing , or calling 610-692-2446 x140




Connect & Engage



